Some of BEST Woodworking Books

I was scrolling through Amazon tonight looking at woodworking books and was surprised at some of the crazy-low prices on some of these.  A couple of them appear to be out of print, so the only ones that are listed are used, but heck, every book I own is used!  Here are links to a few of my favorites.

Working At Woodworking
I've owned Working at Woodworking since the month it became available through Fine Woodworking back in 1990.  I purchased my copy at the Shopsmith store in Dayton, where I was working at the time, and it was just the push I needed to start taking professional commissions.  The book is an interesting blend of advise on setting up a cabinet shop, a couple indispensable shop tools and a great section of pricing for profits.  The lowest price on this book on the day that I checked was under $5, which is a steal!

A Reverence for Wood
Ever since discovering the book "A Reverence for Wood" in my junior high school library I've had a attraction to the illustrations and art of Eric Sloane. I learned so much about wood movement, how joinery and construction methods evolved and lots of fascinating facts that I get to whip-out on my kids and grandkids as we wander through Colonial Williamsburg.  All of Eric Sloane's books are hand illustrated by Mr. Sloane himself, and I highly recommend "A Reverence for Wood" for the information, if not for the amazing drawings.  

Fine Woodworking on Proven Shop Tips: Selections from Methods of Work
If you are a fan of Fine Woodworking Magazine I'm sure you enjoy the Shop Tips that are in the front few pages of the magazine.  There have been a few tips that were worth the value of the magazine!  This paperback book was the best of FWW Shop Tips at the time that the book was published.  They did other versions of this, but they were not as good as this one, and I suppose that's because all of the basic tips were covered in this book, leaving few universal tips for the other issues.  Anyway, this is on my "Must have" list.

More to come.  Scott

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