You Are (Probably) Waxing Your Shopsmith Wrong!

In order to get the most out of our Shopsmith Mark Vs and other shop tools, it’s wise to give them an occasional polish with a good furniture grade paste wax. But what is the best way to apply it? In this video we’ll run through the most common things I wax on my Mark V and I’ll offer a few tips that I learned while I was the Academy instructor at the Shopsmith Factory Showroom in Dayton, Ohio.
Here’s the link to the video:
Here's the wax I use: You can get it on Amazon, but you'll save some money if you drop by your local hardware store or home center. Here are a few of my favorite Shopsmith-inspired tee shirts: "Where there's a will, there's a Shopsmith" "Individual tools, eh? Bummer" "My other saw is a drill press" "Don't Diss da 'Smith" "Cool Woodworking Grandpa" "Five Functions of the Shopsmith Mark V"


  1. During the video you mention waxing a table and you point out that the particular table you are working on is one you recently acquired and you say it needs to be "buffed out". I am just beginning to restore a Shopsmith. While I've seen a blog post elsewhere on resurfacing way tubes, I would appreciate your insights on how to "refinish" a table and how you recommend removing rust and resurfacing way tubes.

    1. Yeah, I still need to do that. The current condition doesn't affect woodworking one bit, but it does affect my pride in ownership a great deal!


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